Plant Spacing & Care
Space the plugs six inches apart & the root ball clumps one foot apart in each row.
Measure three feet between each row. You can tighten this spacing for water diversions or steep dangerous situations. Prep ground either by cutting low to the ground or by removing weeds. Fertilize each hole and then mulch. Water daily for first two weeks, and every other day for the next month if no rain. Keep weed-free for the first year, and then just trim and weed annually to keep the vetiver lush. Vetiver likes sun. Plant in at least 40% a day sun.
After receiving open and put in shade. Mist daily or put in a bucket of water (filled to cover just the bottom part of stem) until ready to plant. Try to plant within a few days.
Enjoy your new tool for;
bioremediation-erosion control-water diversions-carbon sequestering-livestock feed-mulch-pasture improvement